We has inspired to create this blog because we think that this subject has been wonderful. Every teacher, every class and every child are different. The class divided in how to teach speaking and listening, activating children's literature and teaching literature.
The teacher competences seem to us to be great, with an excellent level and pronunciation of English and knowledge of the subject she teaches. We learn about how we can do a fantastic perfomances and how can we act the story in front of the class seemed to be a great one because it allowed us to work the pronunciation, shyness and learn from other colleagues and see other points of view. So about this activity I can only say that I have found it great.
The rest of activitities that we have done in class were good because they allow us to think, create and compare with our colleagues. To many teachers work with blogs and it's excellent to learn how to use them during our formative stage.
We need to develop thinking skills as well as languague skills and there needs to be an appropriate balance between linguistic and cognitive challenge.
We need to provide carefully linked opportunities for children to acquire and learn language in ways which are meaningful and comprehensible, and to ensure that the reasons for doing things are percerived as relevant and worthwhile.
We have
thoroughly enjoyed this course over the past two months and we have
learned much about different methods used in teaching English as a
foreign language
Especially through The Lion King activity where we
received feedback on things to improve when reading stories in a
classroom, this feedback will definitely be an advantage to us in our
future teachings.
Children need to feel part of a community in which they feel valued and secure, and participate willingly.They have to feel comfortable and
Also the opportunity to see the work of our
classmates were very insightful for other ideas for teaching stories
within the classroom.
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